Plant your almond trees in full sun with at least 4 metres of space all around for future growth.
These trees will grow to a height of between 4 and 6 metres. They will fruit after 2 years and reach full fertility at 4 years.
Soil Type
Almond trees grow in all types of soil, including chalky soil.
Superfrass (R25 per bag) is a natural high quality organic growth enhancer and pesticide which you could add when planting.
All fruit trees thrive if they are protected with good quality pine bark mulch. Generous servings of pine bark and green pine needles spread around the trunk of the tree helps eradicate weeds, brings the pH down slightly, and protects the roots from the harsh UV sun rays. Mulch also helps to keep the roots damp. But, be careful not to apply mulch too close to the tree trunk, as the water it retains can cause the trunk to rot.
The almond tree roots do not like to be waterlogged. A good soaking every 4 to 5 days in spring and summer is preferable.
Boron is recommended when planting your almond tree. Almond trees require nitrogen, use our slow-release nitrogen-rich all plant fertiliser. Apply 1 teaspoon every 4-5 months.
Prune dead branches in winter. Maintain a V-shape in the canopy to allow for better light penetration.
Watch out for borer worm, as they will attack the hard wood trunk of the tree. Even young trees are at risk.
Flower buds open before the leaf buds in spring. Blossoms last about 2 weeks and the fruit develops in mid-summer. The inner shell completes its development 3 months after blossoming. Harvesting takes place in February and March. Almond trees will give maximum yield at 7 to 9 years old, and can produce for up to 40 years