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Apollo Banana Trees 20L


The Apollo banana tree is a clone of the Williams Banana.

The banana stem is approximately 27cm in length. The stem is the edible structure of a banana tree. It is a flower stalk with a crunchy surface and a mild flavor on top, plus a bitter aftertaste. The banana stem is often stored after slicing into smaller pieces.

The tree is slightly shorter than the Williams and has a shorter cropping cycle, which is a distinct advantage for the best quality and fruit yield. The bunch size and finger length about 20cm is much the same as the Williams.

Scroll Down for Growing Information:


Bananas prefer full sun or partial afternoon shade. The Apollo banana tree is not tall, so it can withstand strong winds better than other cultivars.


A mature Apollo banana tree is approximately 2 – 2.5mts tall


Well-drained, fertile soil is essential for optimal growth. Regular watering and balanced fertiliser help the tree develop healthy roots and fruit.

Use potting soil if growing your tree in a container. You could use your garden’s soil or a mixture of compost and potting soil to grow in the ground. Our volcanic rock dust is great for keeping your soil in optimal condition.


Keep the soil around your banana tree moist to ensure the roots do not dry. They love water!


Remove damaged or worn leaves to keep your tree in tip-top shape. The botom leaves close to the ground can also be removed regularly. Pruning stimulates the growth of new leaves.


The Apollo banana trees are relatively disease-resistant but can be affected by pests like banana weevils or diseases like Panama.

Treat promptly or preferably use preventative measures by spraying with agricultural Neem Oil or Effective Microorganisms (EM Control)


From the time the flowers appear to the time the fruit is mature, it is usually 75 to 80 days. Harvest when the bananas are still green but fully developed. They ripen after harvesting.

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