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Royal Apricot Tree


Hot climates, such as Durban, are unsuitable for growing Apricot trees.

Apricots are small orange-coloured fruits that are absolutely brimming with flavour. They work well in sweet and savoury dishes and are especially nutritious too. Apricot trees are self-pollinating, which means that you’ll get delicious fruit from a stand-alone tree.

Royal apricot tree – thanks to the taste and texture, this variety (also known as Blenheim apricots) is often used for drying, creating an irresistible snack or an ingredient for curries and sauces. But, they’re also fantastic fresh, canned or baked

Royal Apricot trees  – medium to large, juicy and sweet fruit. Mid December harvest.

Apricot jam is a firm favourite, but apricots are also delicious in Moroccan-style stews, and desserts that demand a lot of flavour. As an added bonus, they are really easy to grow

Scroll down for planting information:

SKU: APR001-RYL Categories: ,


Plant your apricot tree in a spot where it will get full sun for the best fruits. They can tolerate some shade, but they will yield more fruit and grow more vigorously with more sun.


Apricot trees can grow to about 8 to 10 metres tall. Plan the site before planting them, keeping the tree away from external walls, electrical lines and other trees. Plant it in a protected area, if possible, as strong winds can damage branches and leaves.


Apricot trees can thrive in most well-draining soil types, but prefer slightly acidic soil. Loosen the ground in the area before planting it about 1.5 metres deep in your normal garden soil. Superfrass (R25 per bag) is a natural high quality organic growth enhancer and pesticide which you could add when planting.


Add a thick layer of pine bark mulch, keeping it about 20 to 30 centimetres away from the tree trunk itself (any closer and it may cause excess moisture to damage the trunk). This will retain the moisture in the soil and will prevent weeds from taking over.


Use our slow-release nitrogen-rich all plant fertiliser Apply 1 teaspoon every 4-5 months. The roots will absorb what they required.


Watch for pests like aphids, tree borers, and spider mites infestations.

Treat promptly or preferably use preventative measures by spray with agricultural Neem Oil or Effective Microorganisms (EM Control)

Spray EM Control regularly as a preventive against fruit flies. Start spraying the leaves as soon as they regrow in Spring and continue when they start fruit bearing.


Your apricots are ready to pick when they have changed colour from green to yellow-orange and are still firm but give in under a bit of pressure. If you keep them at room temperature and away from direct sunlight, they will ripen after being picked.

Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 150 cm
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