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Blue Java Banana Tree

Blue Java banana tree, or the Ice Cream Banana trees grow best in warm temperatures between 15°C to 29°C. Although they are more cold-tolerant than other banana varieties, they can only survive brief exposure to temperatures as low as -2°C.
It is important for colder climates, to mulch around the base and cover with a frost cover during the winter.

Blue Java banana trees can grow to about 5 metres tall, making them medium to large-sized banana plants.
With their large, broad, green leaves, Blue Java banana plants create a striking visual, but it’s the fruits that truly captivate.
The bananas are initially blue-green due to a waxy coating on the peel. As they ripen, the fruit turns yellow.
The bananas are shorter and plumper than standard bananas, typically about 10-15cm in length.

Blue Java bananas are famous for their creamy texture and sweet, vanilla-like taste, reminiscent of ice cream. This makes them ideal for desserts, smoothies, or simply eaten fresh.

Scroll Down for Growing Information:



Blue Java bananas require full sunlight for at least 6-8 hours daily for optimal growth. They can tolerate partial shade but may produce fewer fruits under such conditions.

Space plants about 4-5m apart to allow for their full growth and avoid crowding.

Plant to the same depth as in the nursery bag.


Well-draining, rich, loamy, or sandy soil is ideal. The plant does not thrive in waterlogged or clay-heavy soils.

 The best soil pH is 5.5 to 7.0, which is slightly acidic to neutral. Acid compost and organic matter can improve soil fertility and drainage.


Blue Java banana trees need regular watering, especially during hot or dry periods. To prevent root rot, keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.

Water deeply at the base of the plant to encourage strong root growth. Inconsistent watering can lead to stress, reducing fruit production.


Apply 2 to 5 centimetres of pine bark mulch to protect the roots from UV damage and drying out. The mulch retains moisture and maintains an optimal pH. Do not let the mulch touch the plant stem, as it may cause infection or rot.


These trees are heavy feeders and benefit from regular fertilisation.

Use a balanced fertilizer with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK 10-10-10) to promote healthy growth. A high-potassium fertilizer is essential for fruiting.

Apply our slow-release all-plant fertiliser. Apply 1 teaspoon every 4-5 months. The roots will absorb what they need.

Alternatively, apply a balanced fertiliser ( 10-10-10) before new growth begins in early spring. Thereafter fertilise annually in early spring.


Regularly remove dead or damaged leaves to maintain plant health and appearance. Blue Java bananas produce suckers (offshoots) from the base. While some should be allowed to grow and replace the parent plant after fruiting, remove excess suckers at the bottom of the tree to ensure the tree focuses its energy on fruit production.

Pests and Diseases

Aphids, spider mites, and banana weevils can sometimes affect banana plants. Blue Java bananas can be susceptible to fungal diseases such as Panama disease and Sigatoka. Good air circulation, well-drained soil, and proper watering can help prevent these issues.

Treat promptly with agricultural Neem Oil or preferably use preventative measures by spraying Effective Microorganisms (EM Control)


It takes about 15-24 months for the tree to mature and produce fruit. Harvest when the bananas turn from blue to pale yellow, and the fruit feels soft but not mushy.
After harvesting, the main stem will die. However, new suckers will grow from the base to continue the cycle.

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