When planting elderberry plants (Sambucus Nigra) it’s generally recommended to plant them at least 3 to 5 metres away from buildings, fences, or other structures. This distance helps ensure the plants have enough space to grow without interfering with the structures as they mature. Additionally, maintaining this distance allows for easier access to the plants for maintenance and pruning and to the structures for their maintenance.
Elderberry Trees are easy to grow. They require slightly acidic soils and therefore our soil kit will ensure the plant grows to its full potential.
Dig a nice big hole of at least 50cm wide and 50cm deep. Fill with lots of organic matter and at the top of the top of the soil mix in a bag of Berry Mix and one bag of Volcanic Rock Dust.
Once planted cover the soil with a thick layer of Pine Bark Mulch and as it decomposes, it adds acidity to the soil. Replace the mulch every 3-4 months, but keep it about 20 centimetres away from the tree’s stem. This will keep weeds away and prevent the soil from drying out too much.
Mulch also keeps the soil from becoming too hot in the Summer months
Ultimate Soil for Elderberry Plants:
An added extra – Use our slow-release nitrogen-rich berry fertiliser R50. Apply 1 teaspoon every 4-5 months.