The Golden Pillow Jackfruit is a tropical fruit tree that can reach a height of up to 15-20 meters (49-66 feet).
Plant your jackfruit tree in full sun with well-drained soil. It is extremely sensitive to frost and will not do well in drought.
Soil type
Jackfruit trees are not fussy about the soil conditions as it grows well in sandy and rocky soils.
However, to kickstart your Jackfruit’s growth, balance is key. Aim for a mix that’s one part sand, one part rich manure/compost and one part perlite.
Superfrass (R25 per bag) is a natural high quality organic growth enhancer and pesticide which you could add when planting.
To ensure good growth and fruit-bearing, jackfruit trees need high nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Fertilise every 1 to 2 months while the tree is young with a high nitrogen fertiliser or manure.
Use our slow-release nitrogen-rich all plant fertiliser Apply 1 teaspoon every 4-5 months.
Use our volcanic rock dust to give your jackfruit tree the required magnesium.
Mulching with pine bark will assist in maintaining the acidity of the soil. Pine Bark mulch is available from Just Berry Plants.
During warm weather and the growing season, water your jackfruit tree generously 2 to 3 times a month. Jackfruit trees enjoy a constant source of moisture,, although they cannot tolerate wet roots as this will prevent them from bearing fruit.
Remove any dead or crossing branches and any foliage or small branches that sprout on larger branches.