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Snowhite Peach Tree 10L Grafted


Prunus Persica ‘Snowhite’

Snow White peaches have a unique appearance compared to traditional yellow peaches. They feature creamy-white skin with a slight blush of pink or red. The skin is often fuzz-free, similar to nectarines, and the fruit is round.

These peaches are renowned for their exceptionally sweet and juicy flavor. The flesh is white, tender, and succulent, offering a refreshing and mild taste with hints of floral notes.

Snow White peaches have a smooth and non-fibrous texture, making them enjoyable to eat. The flesh is typically less acidic than yellow peaches, providing a mellow and delicate eating experience.

Fruit ripens from late November.

Snow White peach trees thrive in regions with a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot summers and mild winters. They require a certain number of chill hours during the winter (typically around 200-300 hours below 7°C) to break dormancy and promote fruit production.

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SKU: PEA010-SNW Categories: ,


Select a sunny location for planting the tree, as peach trees require at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. Allow adequate spacing between Snow White peach trees to ensure good air circulation and proper growth. Space the trees about 5m apart as Snowhite Peach trees have a spread of 4m x 4m.


Plan the site before planting, keeping the tree away from external walls, electrical lines (about 5m) and other trees. Plant in a protected area if possible, as strong winds can damage branches and leaves.

Soil Type

Peach trees are not fussy about soil type but prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil. Loosen the soil in the area before planting at the same depth as in the nursery plant bag, in your normal garden soil mixed with some good compost or some manure, and good drainage is important.


Add a thick layer of pine-bark mulch, keeping about 20-30 cm away from the tree trunk. This will keep the soil moist and keep the weeds at bay.


Adequate watering is essential for establishing and growing Snow White peach trees. Provide deep watering regularly, ensuring that the soil is moist but not waterlogged. During dry periods, increase the frequency of watering.


Prune the Snow White peach tree during the dormant season to maintain its shape, promote air circulation, and remove dead or diseased branches. Thinning the branches also helps to reduce the fruit load, ensuring larger and healthier peaches.


Use our slow-release nitrogen-rich all plant fertiliser. Apply 1 teaspoon every 4-5 months. The roots will absorb what they required.

Pest and Disease Control

Monitor the tree regularly for common peach tree pests such as aphids, peach tree borers, and fruit flies. Use organic pest control methods; EM Control is a reasonable and efficient option. Implement proper sanitation practices, such as removing fallen leaves and fruit, to reduce the risk of diseases like peach leaf curl or brown rot.


Snow White peaches are ready for harvest when they have reached their mature size, the skin is creamy-white, and the flesh is firm yet slightly yielding. Harvest the fruit gently, as they bruise easily. Peaches can be picked when they are slightly underripe and allowed to ripen further indoors.

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 150 cm
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