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Tommy Atkins Mango Tree

Mangifera indica

Traditionally, mangos are commercially grown in tropical areas. They adapt successfully in higher-lying areas and can tolerate various climatic conditions.

Mango trees cannot tolerate harsh winds. They have a deep tap-root system (up to 6 metres), and many feeding roots are closer to the surface. They are evergreen trees and new leaves form in flushes 2 or 3 times a year.

The Tommy Atkins mango is favoured for its long shelf-life and its resistance to bruising when transported. It has beautiful blushed yellow, red and purple skin with irresistible yellow flesh.

Mangoes are wonderfully nutritious. They contain calcium, fibre, protein, tryptophan, iron, and the vitamins A, B1, B2 and B3. They are delicious fresh, dried, or added to smoothies, ice creams and other desserts.

The cultivar ‘Tommy Atkins’ is one of the most popular as it produces abundant well-sized, coloured fruits and is disease-resistant.

Mango trees start producing fruit at 3 years old. These fruits are high in fibre and have good amounts of vitamins A, B and C; as well as potassium. They also contain many phytochemicals and mineral salts and are used to fight heartburn and indigestion.

Frost cover is recommended if the temperature drops below 5° Celsius in winter.

Scroll down for planting information.


SKU: MAN003-TAT Categories: ,


Plant your Tommy Atkins mango tree in full to partial sun, where natural light can warm and sweeten the fruits. Allow plenty of room around your tree to let the canopy spread.


This tree grows to a height of around 4-5 metres, similar to the canopy’s width.

Soil Type

This tree thrives in basic soil with a pH of between 6.0 and 7.2. It is fairly hardy and only really requires soil that drains well so that it doesn’t retain too much water (which would cause the roots to rot). A rich loam deep enough for the roots to extend into it is ideal.


Apply organic mulch to your nectarine tree all year round.

Use from 2 to 5 centimetres of pine bark mulch to protect the roots from UV damage and drying out. It retains moisture, and maintains an optimal pH. Do not let the mulch touch the plant stem, as it may cause infection or rot.


Mango trees should only really be watered around the flowering period. Water it every 2 or 3 days as soon as flower buds appear. Give your tree 60 to 80 centimetres of water under at least 40% of the canopy area. During the rainy season, let the tree survive just on the rainfall.


Just before flowering, use a rapid-release nitrogen fertilizer to boost the health and abundance of fruit and flowers. Use our slow-release nitrogen-rich all plant fertiliser Apply 1 teaspoon every 4-5 months. The roots will absorb what they required.


Trim the tree of dead branches and keep it down to three (max four) main branches for the best results. You should also try to keep the canopy fairly open, not overrun with branches.


The Tommy Atkins can produce gorgeous fruit in its first year. The mangoes are usually perfect for picking 4 or 5 months after the tree has flowered. They should have gorgeous purple-red or red-yellow skin and should not be too firm.

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 100 cm
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