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Kiwi Vine – Male 20L


Kiwi fruit vines grow like huge grapevines. They need plenty of space to grow and a very strong trellis or fence to climb on. The flowers and fruits will reach for the top of the plant in order to access as much sunshine as possible.

Kiwi’s need 1 male vine for every 7 female vines. The female vines produce the fruit. So, ensure that you have at least 1 pair. Kiwi fruits are deliciously sweet with a slight tang. Add them to desserts, fruit salads, cocktails or cheeseboards.

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SKU: KIW001-MAL-1 Categories: ,


Give your vine full sun or partial shade. New plants cannot tolerate extreme midday heat and require shelter from the sun’s rays.  Shade cloth is advisable.

Kiwi vines cannot handle extreme winters; Gauteng frost is fine, but beware of temperatures below zero for long periods.


The kiwi vines can grow up to 7 meters tall and become extremely heavy when laden with fruit. Therefore, strong support is required.

Soil Type

A slightly acidic soil is ideal for kiwi vines.  The soil has to drain well for the vines to survive.


All plants and trees benefit from mulch. Good mulch helps to keep the roots moist and protected from harmful UV rays. Mulch also adds nutrients to feed the plant. Use pine bark or pine needles to lower the soil’s pH and add organic matter.

When using mulch on top of the soil, it’s essential to keep it about 15 centimetres away from the plant’s branches. If it touches the plant, it may cause the branches to rot and get infected.


Kiwi fruit vines require water daily after transplanting until the roots are established. If the leaves droop and turn brown, they need more water. During the growing season, it will need about 5 centimetres of water per week. Be careful not to overwater it, don’t allow the ground to become chronically soggy.


Use a slow-release fertiliser that contains nitrogen in spring and again after the flowers have faded. Kiwi roots are quite sensitive to fertiliser. They are well suited to organic gardens as they respond well to cow manure (when used sparingly).


Kiwi vines must be pruned to keep their shape tidy and get optimum fruit production. During the first year, develop a central trunk by cutting any shoots until the trunk has reached the height of the trellis or fence. The male plant may be pruned after it flowers in summer. The females should only be pruned in winter to remove dead or diseased wood and stems that produce fruit in the summer.


Leaf roller caterpillars and spider mites are common kiwi pests but can be kept at bay using a Neem oil solution. This solution does not affect beneficial insects.


Kiwi fruits are ready to pick when the skin turns brown. The fruit should still be firm. To test for ripeness, cut one fruit open. If the seeds are black, they are ready to be harvested. Keep them at room temperature for about a week until they soften. Should you wish to keep them longer, refrigerate them while they are still hard. They will stay fresh for about 5 weeks.

Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 70 cm








Packaging Type




Packaging Type 1


Maximum 1


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Maximum 2


Packaging Type 3


Maximum 3


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